We connect businesses and community organizations

Do you want to be of significance to another person in Eindhoven region? Join us with your companyas corporate volunteer or social organization. Contribute in your way to a close(er) Brainport for each other - where everyone can participate.

Do good, participate

Brainport for each other

Money worries campaign

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Our dream

We all want a better world. We believe, and see in practice, that something magical happens when businesses and civil society organizations "do good" together. Together for our Region is the bridge builder between businesses, civil society organizations and local government, and together we create a closer society where everyone can participate. For example, we support foundations and non-profit organizations to make more impact, through the commitment of time, hands and talent of corporate volunteers. We help companies to 'do well and do good', i.e. to design a CSR policy together and to make choices that fit the organization's objectives. By building a closer society based on mutual understanding, we can all - civil society organizations and companies - contribute to the realization of the Global Goals. Every activity organized by Together for our Region contributes to one or more UN Global Goals (also known as Sustainable Development Goals).

Business case and research
Engaged business is not charity. The business case emerges in several studies. We selected some relevant studies for you.
Read all here

Founders / Co-makers